Welcome to the Grassroots Advocacy Training Program. This training covers the most important issues impacting police and law enforcement across the country, including: Police Oversight Boards, Illegal Immigration, Gun Control Laws, Sheriff Elections, and Mental Health. Through this training we can equip, you, citizen activists with the tools you need to get involved in the local political process and stand up for police officers across the country.
Now that you’ve signed up, you will receive an email when it’s time to start your training! Thank you for taking this step in raising awareness of issues that officers struggle with every day and understanding the importance of getting involved.
Gun laws can endanger law enforcement, especially red flag laws. Red Flag laws are intended to protect people from gun violence. These laws are meant to get guns out of the hands of people who are a danger to themselves or others. The problem with these laws is most of them lack due process. Someone could make a weak claim against someone and a activist judge could order guns taken away based on little evidence. This would put law enforcement in danger of taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens for no reasons.
Mental Health is an unseen issue that affects law enforcement and does not get much attention by the mainstream media. It is an issue that we need to take seriously and address.
Antifa is an anti-fascist political movement that is comprised of many independent and autonomous groups and organizations that support anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian views. The Antifa movement displayed its power in the summer of 2020 when it took control of major segments of cities like Seattle and Washington DC.