Many of these hurdles speak to the ineffectiveness and complexity of red flag laws. The law could be abused for personal disagreements and government officials don’t have the tools to explain and enforce these laws. While we understand the potential appeal of this sort of legislation, there are many issues with ethics, constitutional rights, and effectiveness when you actually consider implementation.

In 2012, New York City department commanders rejected 90%
of police oversight board disciplinary findings.
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American Police Officers Alliance
American Police Officers Alliance is a national political organization in Arlington, VA organized under Section 527 of the IRS Tax Code.
Our supporters are made up of police, citizens, organizations and public supporters working together to ensure our nation’s finest and our citizens have a unified voice in politics that truly represents sound public safety and respect and honor of those who serve.
Our mission at American Police Officers Alliance is to fight for those who protect our nation’s citizens. We will ensure that police officers maintain their benefits, such as retirement pensions, and protect their rights from government and politicians that are blatantly anti-police. We will work to ensure that our officers have the best local leadership possible. This means that we will work to defend strong police leadership and interests in our nation’s cities and work to elect officials who will stand up for our police force.
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