American Police Officers Alliance - Press Release

Constitutional Sheriff Event Featuring Sheriff Richard Mack Co-Sponsored by American Police Officers Alliance

[Springfield, IL., 3/05/2023] On March 4th, American Police Officers Alliance co-sponsored an event called “The County Sheriff: America’s Last Hope,” which was attended by a large number of law enforcement officers. The event was aimed at promoting the work of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA), an organization that seeks to protect the rights of citizens and law enforcement officers alike.

During the event, attendees heard from several speakers, including Sheriff Brad Rogers, who shared his experience dealing with the Federal Drug Administration and Department of Justice’s disgraceful harassment of a farmer selling raw milk and took the time to listen to the concerns of the community and explain the reasoning behind his actions. He emphasized the role of the sheriff as the chief law enforcement officer in the county, charged with enforcing the rule of law and guarding against the excesses of government.

The attendees also heard from Sheriff Williams, who talked about the case involving Sheriff Mack’s lawsuit against the federal government regarding the 1993 “Brady bill”. The “Brady bill,” also known as the “Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act,” established a background check system for purchasing firearms. Sheriff Mack was a plaintiff in a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the Brady bill. Sheriff Mack’s case highlighted the importance of sheriffs and other law enforcement officers in protecting the constitutional rights of citizens.

Sheriff Richard Mack was the featured speaker and he is a major advocate for the role of the sheriff as the ultimate authority in their jurisdiction, tasked with upholding the Constitution and protecting the rights of their constituents. He emphasized the importance of working with local sheriffs to resist federal overreach and defend individual liberties. Sheriff Mack is also a member of the American Police Officers Alliance Advisory Board. 

“The County Sheriff: America’s Last Hope” event was a great success, with many attendees expressing their support for the initiative. It was especially noteworthy given that Illinois is generally considered a very liberal state, but the event showcased the strong commitment to upholding the rule of law and protecting citizens’ rights that is present within the state. American Police Officers Alliance is honored to be part of this event that brought together law enforcement officers and citizens to emphasize the importance of protecting the constitutional rights of all Americans.

Contact American Police Officers Alliance:

Daniel D. Stuebs
Executive Director
[email protected]

American Police Officers Alliance