For many cities in America, this summer has unleashed a series of shootings, riots, arsons, harassment, and murder. From Seattle to New York City, Democrats running some of our country’s largest metro areas have uniformly abandoned the rule of law for the rule of the mob. The media runs interference for these criminal politicians by standing in front of burning businesses while “reporting” on “mostly peaceful protests.” The politicians themselves attempted for months to manipulate the narrative. Blaming “White Supremacists,” “Right Wing Extremists,” and President Donald Trump for the failure of their leadership. Local leadership in the most affected cities is dominated by progressive democrat politicians whose silence and tacit support for these movements are tantamount to being complicit in the extreme uptick in violence destroying the lives of their own constituents.
The most extreme examples of local failure seen this summer, and now this fall, have occurred on the West Coast. The death of George Floyd sparked the months-long siege of Portland, Oregon by ANTIFA anarchists who have routinely attacked Law Enforcement with lasers, projectiles, industrial grade fireworks, and went so far as to attempt burning Federal Agents alive in the Federal Courthouse they were tasked with protecting. What did Mayor Wheeler say after the first few nights of riots? According to OregonLive, he said the following: “What we are witnessing is a truly extraordinary moment in history. People coming together, united, to support our black community in ways that we have never seen before.”
In subsequent months, nightly riots seemingly unrelated to George Floyd’s death have received little resistance from Wheeler. In fact, he continuously blames the Federal Government for the failures he has created. As quoted from The Daily Wire: “Do you seriously wonder, Mr. President, why this is the first time in decades that America has seen this level of violence? It’s you who have created the hate and the division.” I thought it was Police Brutality? However, in Portland, Mayor Wheeler has ultimate control over policing in his city. Despite being chased out of his own home by rioters, he has repeatedly hindered their efforts to arrest them, called for the end of non-lethal deterrents such as pepper spray, and resisted the Federal efforts to bring the city back under control.
Unfortunately, Mayor Ted Wheeler is just one rotten official in a basket of bad apples. The Federal government made the decision to cross deputize local law enforcement so that they can bring them up on Federal charges. Why? Because local prosecutors were refusing to prosecute. This has been the most effective tool against the ANTIA rioters, so naturally, state officials from Oregon are demanding the end to the cross-deputization initiative. Luckily, they were denied. Through examining the words and deeds of local officials in Portland and the State of Oregon, the evidence linking their implicit support of this chaos is abundant.
On the East Coast, there are equally inept and likely complicit politicians running the show. In Atlanta, GA, Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, stood by as parts of her city were overrun by street gangs in protest of the Rayshard Brooks shooting. In the resulting chaos, a 3 year old girl was shot to death after her mother made the mistake of turning around in the wrong parking lot. In Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser stood by as a BLM flash mob took to the streets during the last night of President Trump’s Republican Convention. Countless guests, including members of Congress, were harassed, and left to fend for themselves with little local assistance. But the worst example of the systemic failures of Leftist policy on the East Coast has been that of New York City.

New York City is being run by Mayor Bill De Blasio, a progressive democrat who has the implicit support of the Communist Party of America through its mouthpiece, People’s World. From an article written in The American Thinker: “The first, covering De Blasio’s inauguration, was titled, “De Blasio Takes Over in New York.” The People’s World reporter celebrated the “joy of a new day for New York” and glistening opportunity for “change.” And the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. While De Blasio went through the motions of condemning violence, his own daughter, Chiara, was arrested in June for participating in ANTIFA riots in HIS city. From Big League Politics: “Chiara de Blasio was allegedly engaging in a road-blocking tactic, in which leftist rioters stand in the midst of a public street and refuse to move, blocking the roadway to traffic.”
New York has been so derelict in their duty to enforce the law and bring order to their community that the DOJ recently included them in a move to cut funding to “Anarchist Jurisdictions.” De Blasio roundly condemned the move, deflecting it a racist overture and Donald Trump’s fascistic personality. From The New York Post: “It’s all about race and it’s all about attempts to divide and to enthrall his base by attacking ‘the other,’” de Blasio said. “This is what this guy does, it’s the only trick in his book.” It couldn’t possibly have to do with the insane uptick in violent crime in De Blasio’s city, of course.
So, what landed De Blasio in hot water with the Feds? For starters, the mayor ordered the closure of the city’s Undercover Unit, the largest in the country. From NBC New York: “The change will affect roughly 600 plainclothes officers, he said, with officers in every precinct being reassigned as the department switches focus to community-based efforts. Some officers could also be put into school detective roles or other positions.” This was done under pressure from activists who seized on the George Floyd protests. The madness didn’t stop there.
Just a couple weeks later, The New York City Council, with De Blasio at the head, voted to cut NYPD funding by $1BN. Did the massive Leftist mob occupying the space outside City Hall have anything to do with influencing this decision? (So much for social distancing). Did this achieve Progressive common-sense reform? Perhaps if your definition of reform includes massive increases in gun violence and murder. From CBS New York: “The city saw a 166% increase in shooting incidents in August – 242 compared to 91 in August 2019, CBS New York reports. In addition, murders are up 47% for the month, with 53 this year versus 36 in August 2019.” De Blasio has not been quite as explicit in his words of support for the rioters in his city, but his repeated deflections and disastrous policies have decimated law & order in New York all the same.
Across the nation we are seeing progressive democrat politicians willfully inject themselves into the lawlessness wreaking havoc on their communities. These are just some of numerous examples of politicians giving a pass to violent extremists, slamming the Federal government for attempting to combat them, and passing local policies which are destroying any local effort to rein them in. When Seattle’s Capitol Hill District fell into the hands of anarchists this summer, Mayor Jenny Durkan infamously compared the situation to The Summer of Love. What her residents actually lived through was The Summer of Destruction; burned out buildings, attacked Police Precincts, rapes, and murder as innocent bystanders became trapped in a virtual failed state scenario in an American city. These politicians are doing nothing to stabilize their communities, and with each passing day, are transforming their cities into the armed epicenters of an insurrection against the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
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Image Credit: Photo by Koshu Kunii on Unsplash