We live in a world in which information is instantly available to the public. As soon as something happens — a team wins a ballgame, a politician wins an election — word of that news spreads like wildfire thanks to the omnipresence of the internet. It’s a beautiful thing, to have so much information at our fingertips at just a moment’s notice.
But all that information isn’t always beneficial. In fact, it can be dangerous.
There is such a concept as information overload. And when it comes to the forthcoming 2020 election, information overload is a real problem.
How does information overload hurt us? For starters, the massive amounts of information (not all of which is true) can be nearly impossible to sift through. For anyone other than the most passionate political followers, it’s enough to make a voter throw up their hands and vote blindly along party lines rather than learning about the legislation and candidates on the ballot.

This year, the American Police Officers Alliance wanted to do something to combat this epidemic of both information overload as well as misinformation. The reality is, along with the copious amounts of information available are pages full of blatantly incorrect information. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to tell the difference.
So we created a Voter Guide for those who want to help make a difference with their votes this year. After all, we as the American people do have a civil responsibility to exercise our right to vote. It’s our best bet for both protecting our country as well as the law enforcement who are keeping us safe.
In this case, information is powerful. In our forthcoming Voter Guide, you’ll find information on the most crucial issues that affect our nation’s law enforcement. It’s important to educate ourselves properly in order to make the right decision on voting day. Voters must first inform themselves about what they’re voting on — or they risk doing damage by casting the wrong vote.
This Guide will be available free of charge and is intended to support police officers and sheriffs as they tirelessly work to protect and serve. Now is as good a time as ever to spend some time getting the facts straight. We invite you to start with us.