There are hundreds of Constitutional Sheriffs who have joined the movement for freedom and upholding the constitutional rights of Americans. All are deserving of our praise and are worth noting in this post. We can’t cover them all, but below are a few of the brave Sheriffs standing up against government overreach and preserving the Constitution as the supreme law of the land in the United States.
Aitor Narvaiza
Sheriff Aitor Narvaiza is Sheriff in Elko County, NV, which recently declared itself a Constitutional County. Aitor’s story began in the Basque region of Spain, where he and his family emigrated from to the United States when he was a child. In 2019, Sheriff Narvaiza was sworn in as Sheriff after “23 years of uniformed service.” Like many Sheriffs across the country, Sheriff Narvaiza was moved to act when the Covid-19 pandemic initiated a wave of unconstitutional mandates on American citizens around the country.
In an op-ed responding to an open letter in his community, Sheriff Narvaiza stated,
“As Sheriff of this great County, I have a responsibility to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. I also have an absolute duty to protect and serve the citizens of this County…Nowhere in my oath did I swear to enforce mandates and none of the deputies of this office will enforce mandates.”
Mark Cage
Mark Cage currently serves as the Sheriff of Eddy County, New Mexico. Sheriff Cage has a long resume of public service, going back to his days in the United States Navy starting in 1983. He retired from Navy with the rank of Chief Petty Officer, and is a Veteran of the Cold War, Operations Desert Shield, Desert Storm, and Enduring Freedom. Beyond these achievements, Sheriff Cage is a “recognized expert in civilian and military law enforcement, counter-terrorism/narcotics enforcement, firearms and unarmed use of force as well as law enforcement administration and leadership. He maintains his instructor certifications in General Police Instruction, Firearms, and Defensive Tactics,” according to his public profile with the Sheriffs Department.

Cage believes that Sheriffs are the highest Constitutional authorities in their jurisdictions.
“I took my oath in 1982. That means I swore to protect the Constitution. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land. They’re God-given rights… The sheriff is the top law enforcement official in the county,” he told a local newspaper.
Randy Hargove
Sheriff Randy Hargrove serves in Houston County, Texas who was elected in a 2019 race. At the time, Sheriff Hargrove served as a Deputy.
“For the last 22 years I have served the citizens of Houston County as a Texas Peace Officer. Seventeen and one-half of those years were with the Sheriff’s Office and four and one-half years at my current position as a criminal investigator with the District Attorney’s Office,” he noted when announcing his bid.
In July of last year, Sheriff Hargrove hosted the Constitutional Sheriffs Conference, along with Sheriff Mack and the CSPOA. The conference included a wide range of topics, including, “…the Bill of Rights, the 10th Amendment, obeying just (constitutional) laws and refusing to enforce unjust (unconstitutional) ones, and ‘epiphanies and miracles’ that brought them to where they are today.”
Wayne Ivey
Wayne Ivey was first sworn in as Sheriff of Brevard County, Florida in 2013. Sheriff Ivey is the brains behind notable law enforcement initiatives in the state prior to being elected Sheriff.
According to his public profile,
“As a member of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Sheriff Ivey developed and created the country’s first ever statewide Task Force on Identity Theft.” This program investigated over $40 million in fraud cases. In addition, “Sheriff Ivey created the Child Abduction Response Team (C.A.R.T) that re-defined the way Child Abduction cases are conducted throughout the country today. The program was later selected as the most innovative program in the country by the International Association of Chiefs of Police.”
Now in his third term, Sheriff Ivey recently penned a letter to his community embracing his role as a Constitutional Sheriff, saying,
“it is an oath that I take great pride in and one that I am committed to upholding for as long as our citizens allow me to serve as their Sheriff. Embedded within that oath is a promise to our citizens that I will forever stand strong in protecting what I call the 3 C’s, our citizens, our cops, and our Constitution.”
These are just a few of the many great sheriffs across the country that are standing up against unconstitutional orders and staying true to the oath they swore.
Image Credit: Photo by Ryan de Hamer on Unsplash