On Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021, police supporters and citizens across the country that support law and order, anxiously awaited the election results in Minneapolis. All eyes were on the Minneapolis Question 2 measure to replace the Minneapolis Police Department with the Department of Public Safety Initiative.
American Police Officers Alliance has been working hard for several months to bring awareness to this measure and warning of the real danger to law enforcement and the people of Minneapolis should this measure pass.

Despite the Minneapolis City Council’s bold new vision for American Law Enforcement being an utter failure, polling suggested that while many voters weren’t in favor of the police department, they also weren’t planning to vote to reduce its size. Additionally, many of those same voters also said they would support the measure.
It’s alarming how many voters didn’t seem to comprehend the consequences of their vote.
A yes vote would have disbanded the police department and had devastating and long lasting effects on the city. It could have started an unstoppable wave of similar measures popping up in liberal cities across the nation.
Luckily, 56% of voters in Minneapolis voted NO to defeat Measure 2. The existing structure of the police departments remains as is… for now.
Daniel Stuebs, Executive Director of American Police Officers Alliance said, “This is a great move for the citizens of Minneapolis. As a result of this measure failing, it shows that the majority of people want to keep the police in their city. This will send a message to other leftist cities and they will reconsider getting rid of their police departments.”
Should similar measures arise in other cities, American Police Officers Alliance and it’s grassroots army of more than 100,000 members will continue to advocate the need for police departments and stand up for police as they did in Minneapolis.
Image Credit: Photo by Chad Davis on Flickr