News Roundup - American Police Officers Alliance

News Summary: September 2020

The violence and unrest in our country unfortunately showed it’s face again this month, but we haven’t stopped our work to support law enforcement. We are proud to have sponsored a Pro-Police and First Responder event this month to bring together these heroes and show appreciation for all that they do. 

However, appreciations is not enough and we must take action.

We launched a video campaign to raise awareness around the Antifa political movement that is trying to take over our cities, and are working to spread the word and stop Antifa from taking control of our local police departments. In order to stop this movement, we need to elect officials who are pro-police and won’t defund the police. 

Because of recent events including the COVID-19 pandemic and anit-police protests and riots, we recently relaunched our Police Support Voter Guide for 2020. Download your copy today and use your vote to stand up against Antifa. 

With the continued unrest and disrespect towards law enforcement, we’ve seen police organizations moving right in their congressional and senate endorsements and are hopeful this will help bring about positive change.

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