American Police Officers Alliance - Update-min

American Police Officers Alliance Attends National Sheriffs Association Conference

American Police Officers Alliance members will be attending the National Sheriffs Association Conference on February 9-12 in Washington D.C.

Sheriffs and law enforcement personnel from all over the country will be in attendance. Over the four day conference, seminars covering various different topics will take place such as law enforcement use of social media, current trends in identity document fraud, avoiding the litigation storm, cyber basics and resources for law enforcement, motivations to serve, and maintaining order while supporting recovery.

American Police Officers Alliance members will mingle among those who are in attendance to learn about their legislative concerns throughout 2019. Becoming well aware of these key issues help American Police Officers Alliance align their assistance to where it is most needed. It is important that they are aware of these issues so the organization can continue educating the public on them and how they can be addressed for the law enforcement officers best interest.

Stay up-to-date with American Police Officers Alliance while they are in Washington D.C. through their Facebook.