American Police Officers Alliance Florida Independent Expenditure Committee had a major victory in 2022. Through a targeted approach to marketing and an innovative use of technology, our efforts were able to get pro-police voters to the polls and help secure a win for Ron DeSantis and other Republicans down ballot.

Crime and policing were top of mind for many voters in Florida during the 2022 midterms. Our get out the vote campaign used digital ads online and on social media to encourage these voters to get to the polls and support Ron DeSantis for Governor.
We targeted 100,000 pro-police and likely Republican voters. Our goal was to ensure these voters heard our message and would show up to the polls.
After reviewing the early numbers, this strategy was very effective. The video ads had over 620,000 impressions and were shared more than 2000 times. When it comes to voter turnout, we saw 38,000 more voters show up at the polls. This is a 61% increase in turnout among the selected pro-police voters when comparing the numbers to previous elections.
Encouraging these voters to get to the polls potentially helped Ron DeSantis get re-elected and also helped a few other key races in Florida, specifically CD 13, 15 and 27. In each of these districts, a Republican candidate benefited from the 61% increased turnout and ultimately won their seats as well.

American Police Officers Alliance is committed to ensuring that pro-police voters have a voice in the election process. This campaign demonstrates the power of video in this new age to help get out the vote on key issues during key elections. By targeting the right voters with the right message on the right platform, we were able to have an impact on the election results in Florida.
Congratulations to Ron DeSantis and all the other pro-police candidates in Florida that won their elections and will continue to stand up for police.
Paid for by American Police Officers Alliance Florida Independent Expenditure Committee, Not affiliated with Citizens for Ron DeSantis or any other candidate or candidates committee