Day 1: Border Security, Officer Wellness Dominate the Agenda
The American Police Officers Alliance is honored to be part of day 1 of the 2019 National Sheriff’s Association annual conference in Louisville, Kentucky. Louisville which is known for bourbon, racing horses, and the greatest of all time in Muhammad Ali will be the place for the nation’s Sheriffs for the next five days.
The hot topic during the morning was border security. Michael Pullman, deputy director of the United States Department of Customs and Border Protection, discussed with attendees about new threats Sheriffs are facing in the battle for border security. Pullman discussed how law enforcement can work with the Department of Customs and Border Protection to stop threats in water. The Northern border faces the threats of maritime and other seaport transportation being used in the flow of illegal drugs. The Southern border by San Diego faces a similar challenge with drug smugglers using the underwater tunnels. The NSA announced during its winter legislative conference in Washington, DC back in February that border security is a top legislative priority.

Officer wellness and care was the other hot topic of day 1. With our men and women in law enforcement facing insurmountable pressure more than ever, law enforcement agencies are trying to find ways to help their rank and file officers achieve greater wellness. Nancy Bohl-Penrod discussed how law enforcement agencies can create peer support programs to help officers when faced with a traumatic event. Peer support members can act any second when officers face a traumatic health event. The program started by the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department is considered to be a model program.
David Black, chief psychologist for Cordico, discussed new strategies that law enforcement can attract newer, younger talent. Black mentioned that police departments should embrace culture change in order to attract new talent. Black said that millennial recruits for police officers want to lead and want mentorship. Black also presented private mobile phone apps for police officers and their families to help diagnose mental health issues sooner than later.
Join us again tomorrow as there will be updates on the US Supreme Court and how it affects Sheriffs.

The American Police Officers Alliance is a national political organization organized under Section 527. Supporters are made up of police, citizens, organizations and public supporters working together to ensure our nation’s finest and our citizens have a unified voice in politics.