The Biden Administration’s immigration enforcement has been such a catastrophic failure that one must consider the possibility that the federal government not only fails intentionally at protecting our borders, but actively supports in the influx of record unknown illegal immigrants pouring into the country. using government data reports the record high encounters in 2021:
“U.S. Customs and Border Protection figures now show that more than 2 million unauthorized migrants came across the Mexican border in the calendar year and were apprehended or turned themselves in – in addition to those not stopped or detected.”
The federal government’s failure disproportionately impacts the communities of the Southwest states, such as Arizona, New Mexico, and California. Now, one state is taking matters into its own hands.
In March 2021, Texas Governor, Greg Abbott, in coordination with the Texas Department of Public Safety, launched Operation Lone Star. The goal of the state-run operation is to combat the smuggling of people and drugs into the state, amidst the federal failure to protect the border.
An announcement of the operation by Governor Abbott stated the following:

“The crisis at our southern border continues to escalate because of Biden Administration policies that refuse to secure the border and invite illegal immigration. Texas supports legal immigration but will not be an accomplice to the open border policies that cause, rather than prevent, a humanitarian crisis in our state and endanger the lives of Texans. We will surge the resources and law enforcement personnel needed to confront this crisis”
The operation hinges on sending state law enforcement and national guard troops to the border, and even includes border wall construction paid for by the state, according to Kera News in Texas.
Major Michael Perry with the Texas Military Department, noted in a press conference regarding the operation, that:
“Temporary infrastructure and barriers are continuing to be constructed. I will verify that we are now doing it in the Rio Grande Valley without getting into specifics.”
The Kera News report from December also highlights the effectiveness of the program, noting the tens of thousands of apprehensions made by Texas authorities since the operation began:
“In the nine months the program has been active, there have been more than 160,000 migrant apprehensions and referrals by State Troopers, the Texas Military Department and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
Abbott also began arresting migrants for criminal trespassing in mid-July and there are currently 1,126 people in custody in criminal migrant processing facilities.”
How else do we know that the program is effective? Democrats want it stopped.
In January of this year, The Austin American-Statesman reported that 50 Texas House Democrats signed a letter urging the Biden Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security to launch an investigation into the Texas Governor’s operation.
“The lawmakers’ chief concern with Operation Lone Star is its novel approach to immigration enforcement: arresting and detaining migrants on state misdemeanor criminal trespassing charges.
The letter, sent Wednesday, reads in part: “From its inception, Operation Lone Star has suffered from Constitutional deficiencies that upend our federal system of government. Governor Abbott has unilaterally set this state immigration policy and created a system of state immigration enforcement to be carried out by various state agencies.””
But Operation Lone Star only exists because the federal government has abdicated its duty to protect our borders and are leaving the door wide open to millions of unknown persons to flood into the country. The Texas Democrats are not concerned that the state’s sovereignty is being violated, or that federal immigration laws are being broken by the illegal migrants. They are only concerned with their open-borders agenda.
Operation Lonestar represents a state taking agency and combatting the subversion conducted by Leftist politicians, agencies, and activists through illegal immigration. With its success, may come the inspiration for more states to take a stand against the failures on the federal government’s immigration agenda and an organic grassroots movement to protect America’s sovereignty.
What do we mean in America when we talk about liberty? Is this just an idea or does it mean more? Today, there is a lack of commitment to Constitutional norms in America.