May 2021 marks the 4-year anniversary since American Police Officers Alliance was launched. Much has changed over the last four years, but our conviction to represent America’s Law Enforcement Officers has only grown stronger. Executive Director Daniel Stuebs recently sat down for an interview, reflecting on everything from the inspiration for forming the organization to the most important issues affecting law enforcement currently.
While American Police Officers Alliance was first launched four years ago, Director Stuebs notes that the chain of events following the Michael Brown incident in Ferguson, Missouri, planted the seeds for the organization all the way back in 2014:
“I first saw that police were being underrepresented in the political process in 2014 with the incident in Ferguson, Missouri…With what happened, it started a chain of political backlash towards police.”
From there, Director Stuebs realized it was time to organize a civilian organization dedicated solely to the mission of advocating on behalf of law enforcement:

“Yes there are other civilian organizations that also fight for police officers, But our mission is focused on helping only law enforcement.”
At the current moment, there is no one single piece of legislation which poses the greatest risk to law enforcement in America, but rather a movement which coalesces around the dismantling of American law & order as we know it:
“The defund/disband the police movement spawned a legislation in liberial cities that actually lowered the police budgets.”
And this movement is political, not based on statistics or the best interests of our communities, but rather on how anecdotal events can be leveraged to manipulate the political narrative in this country:
“Sighting racial justice and the lack of law and order for the reasons that this was Trump’s America. Now that Trump is no longer president, it will be interesting to see how the media will change their narrative and messaging towards law enforcement.”
But grassroots initiatives like American Police Officers Alliance recent ANTIFA petition, prove that underneath the narrative, the public supports the rights of law enforcement and stands against the left’s lawlessness:
“Our greatest success has been the launch of our ANTIFA petition. With the launch of this petition, we have been able to gain thousands of supporters to help fight for police officers rights.”
Reflecting on the end of four years, we realize the fight is just getting started, and now more than ever, anti-police sentiment is being used as a weapon to reshape American society. We thank you for your support. Without you, we could not have made it this far, and we look forward to another year of standing up for those who keep us safe.
As a grassroots organization, American Police Officers Alliance recognizes that to create a truly effective movement, we must build momentum from the ground up. In order to effectively influence legislation that affects the Law Enforcement community, it is essential to first educate the public on the issues. That is why we launched the Police Legislative Advocacy Center page on our website!