This year has been an amazing year for the American Police Officers Alliance. We have done many amazing things to help support our nation’s law enforcement. This was a very important year for our country. This election was extremely important to our law enforcement. Given the midst of the pandemic the officers had a much greater risk to themselves. With the COVID-19 virus being this infectious, they had to look out for their physical health much more this year. They also found themselves under attack from the leftists who tried to defund and disband them.
Given how much political this year was, it set up the stage for American Police Officers Alliance to have an impact on the elections last year. We supported causes to stop the defunding of police, helped with Get out the Vote Initiatives, and pro-police rallies.
Pro-Police Rallies
This year we helped support many pro police rallies throughout the nation. We helped support two rallies in Albany, New York. These rallies were held on August 3rd and October 10. Both of these rallies were very well attended.
We also had the privilege of supporting a pro police and first responder event on September 17th at Clifford’s Supper Club in Hales Corner, WI. It was great to hear from current and former police officers about their experiences on the force. We had at least 200 people attend this event.
American Police Officers Alliance also had the opportunity to help host a Get Out the Vote event for pro-police candidates in upstate New York on October 3rd. This was a event for voters to get to meet candidates who were pro-police. With the leftover meals they were able to give them to the local police.
Save our Sheriff
We have also had the opportunity to partner with Save our Sheriff in King County, Washington. They were in the midst of a battle to stop the defunding of the sheriff’s department and to switch the position of sheriff from an elected position to an appointed position. The County Council will be the one appointing the sheriff. This move would basically created a mini-oversight board for the sheriff’s department with little to no transparency for constituents
In the end the Save our Sheriff initiative lost the battle. Both of the measures passed the November 3rd vote. The King County Sheriff’s department will be in for hard times ahead. This is not to say that things will only go downhill for the sheriff’s department. We will continue to monitor the situation and report on the ongoings of what is happening. Eventually they will reach a point where even rational people will turn on the far left agenda.
ANTIFA Petition
Given the recent activity with the ANTIFA organization, the American Police Officers Alliance re-launched our ANTIFA petition. It is important for Americans to know that given the recent activity of ANTIFA Americans need to know that the left wing governments are trying to side with ANTIFA and to disband/defund our police. We relaunched this campaign to find new signers to help join our mission to help stand up against the left wing governments and ANTIFA.
With the relaunch of this petition, we will be able to organize supporters to help stop the advancement of ANTIFA and the radical left wing governments. By gaining all these supporters we will be able to help with Get Out The Vote Initiatives, hold pro police rallies, and help inform these radical left wing governments that will not be able to side with ANTIFA for much longer.
Get out the Vote Supporter Campaign

During the final push of the 2020 campaign season, the American Police Officers Alliance launched a massive email campaign to Get out the Vote to help inform people that they need to get out and vote for police issues. This campaign targeted millions of potential voters.
This was not a one time email campaign. By targeting these people, we will be able to engage them for future campaigns. All these people will now be part of our network. This will not be the last Get out the Vote Campaign we will do. We will continue to do Get out the Vote campaigns in order to help our nations law enforcement.
Looking Ahead
The American Police Officers Alliance will be looking to have many plans to help out our nation’s law enforcement in 2021. With 2021 being an off year election year, we will be doing plenty of research to find the best areas to give aid and assist. To help voters and members to understand our plans for 2021 we will be coming out with our own grassroots training program to help inform our members and citizens on the plans of the far left.
American Police Officers Alliance had a successful 2020, but we are always looking to the future to find out how we can make a positive impact to help our nation’s police officers.
We will be ranking each state legislature on how friendly they will be towards police officers. These rankings will inform voters on how likely their state will pass pro or anti police legislation. Given the attacks on police this year from average citizens and legislation passed by states and city governments, the fight will continue into 2021.
American Police Officers Alliance will update our list of jurisdictions that are considering creating or expanding Police Oversight Boards and we pledge to continue our fight against this dangerous institution.
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